For its development at the European level, Secondary residence will bring together partners from 5 cities who will organise 5 residences using the following outline :
→ 7 days of residence (6 nights) of immersive living in a region,
→ 3 participants (an artist, a person who lives or works in the region in question, a person who works for the local authorities (community representative, electedor staff),
→ 1 working theme (chosen locally, connected to the general theme of the project: public space),
→ many encounters (with the inhabitants, civil society, professionals, regional public decision-makers…).
Each residency will result in the production of :
→ 1 statement of intention co-signed by the three residents (synthesising the thinking process that leads to an artistic creation),
→ 1 logbook (daily photographs, videos and texts produced by the 3 residents and published on the project website),
→ 1 artistic creation exhibited or performed in the public space.